5 ways to celebrate Black Future Month… ….beyond platitudes, hashtags, and shoutouts
1. Support black professionals, especially black women, they need more access to opportunities and brighter spotlight on their talents. Corporate mentoring programs are oversubscribed which is a good thing for retention metrics, but real impact for groups that truly need the “lift” becomes diluted and ineffective at meeting them where they are. Black professionals need…
WFH…The Good, The Bad, and Things to Consider.
I vigorously support the new WFH shift. My mental state and overall well-being have flourished as a result of being able to design the conditions under which work and family converge harmoniously in my life. I accept that that’s a privilege. I’m also an ardent believer in work-life integration and believe WFH is a good…
Dude, where’s my application?
Perhaps you are harboring wild and fantastic ideas about what happens when you apply for a job online. You are not alone. Most people do not know what happens after they hit the submit button on an online application. It often feels like putting a message in a bottle and tossing it into the sea,…
Why Taking Career Advice From A 2-Year-Old May Not Be A Bad Idea
If my 2-year-old were a dish, she would be sweet and sour something. One minute she’s an angel and the very next she’s bouncing of the walls like a racquet ball. Yet, I wouldn’t have her any other way. Truth is, I find too much of either side equally terrifying. Being pulled into her frenetic little world…
The One Thing I Wish I Knew Earlier In My Career
Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Working harder on yourself than you do on your job is not an original idea. Motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, first said it, but it’s worth repeating especially during a season like this with race relations at an abysmally low point, thousands of families…
Every Organization Needs a No-Asshole Policy
No assholes. That simple statement should be emblazoned on every corporate site that attracts warm-blooded humans into its workplace. The expression communicates to would-be employees to check themselves at the door and head straight for the exits if they get their jollies off pissing on others bonfires. You don’t have to shout it from the…
You’re About to Lose Your Job And You Don’t Even Know It
How do you keep your job? The truth is no one really knows. You can do your best and still end up on the chopping block when the organization has to downsize or change direction for whatever reason. That’s just the unfortunate corollary of business when good employees become casualties of bad decisions and myopic…
9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Your Next Job Search
Let’s face it, sometimes when opportunity knocks your best response is t0 greet it with thanks but no thanks. Better yet, ask for more information, review and get back if the stars are aligned. All opportunities aren’t created equal, and you certainly don’t need to heed every beck and call without digging into the details…
A Good Recruiter Must Be A Good Hoarder
Knowing what to let go and what to keep is one of the winningest strategies in business, and life for that matter. This is true whether the process is defined in your world as divestiture, downsizing, optimizing, or just simply separating the wheat from the chaff. In the same way, knowing what to let go and what to…
Interview Survival Guide: 7 Things You Should Know
Interviews can be nerve-racking for even the most calm, cool and collected professionals. With the exception of those seasoned job hoppers who saunter through the process unfazed, most people get a little unstrung the first time they meet with their potential boss. Nervousness in interviews is usually brought on by fear of screwing up, inadequate…